Monday, June 2, 2008

Watering the poison oak

One of the best things to come out of our camping expeditions is that Dallin now pees standing up. You may not understand why this is such a great thing, but believe me, it is. Dallin has been potty-trained for over a year now, but he's still high maintenance in that area. I have to make him go when I see him doing the potty dance, and when he finally goes, he takes off his pants, underwear and shoes because it's easier for him to sit down with nothing on his legs. Then he comes out of the bathroom naked from the waist down, holding all his clothes (if I'm lucky, otherwise he leaves them on the floor in the bathroom) and not caring where we are or who else is around. Then I have to stop whatever I'm doing to find his clothes and put them back on him because although he can do it, he won't. When we're camping, the best place to pee is in the woods. They had port-a-potties there, but yuck. The woods work out much better. He enjoyed peeing all over the poison oak and commenting every time that he was watering the plants. Ever since we came home, he has been better about going potty without being told, and he's proud to announce that he peed standing up. Now he just comes out of the bathroom with his pants and underwear down around his ankles but not completely off. This is much easier for me to put back on.

1 comment:

Ellen said...

Ah, the excitement of little boys.