Friday, June 13, 2008


I've been tagged by my friend Laura. I guess the rules are: no cleaning, clearing, wiping, changing, etc. But that's not really my style. I'm all about motivation, so instead I used this as an opportunity to get some cleaning done. Sorry, Laura.1. Sink. I probably spend more time right here than anywhere in my house, except my bed of course. I love watching the kids play in the backyard while I'm cooking and doing dishes.
2. What are the kids doing? Spencer and Tyler are enjoying their last day at school. Dallin and Brennan are playing with Tyler's holiday house from Play Mobil that we gave him for Christmas. It is such a fun toy. My kids always like to play Santa - they do it year round, in fact.

Mostly Brennan just likes to put stuff down the chimney.

3. The Laundry Room. Still clean!

4. Toilet. I'm not sure why they listed this one, but oh well. I wish they would have said bathtub, because that really needs to be cleaned.

5. Closet. This is my side of the walk-in closet. Dave has 3 times more clothes than I do, not because he shops more but because he doesn't throw anything away. On the other hand I get rid of everything. We recently cleaned out our closet and filled up 3 big bags of clothes for Goodwill. I love to get rid of stuff.

6. My Favorite Room. I have to choose my bedroom because I love my canopy bed, desert camel wall color, and red curtains. The picture hanging above our bed is a Renoir print just like the one my parents had in their room when I was growing up. I do want a new comforter though. We've had this one for 9 years and I'm tired of it.

7. Fridge. I love my Trio, especially when it's working. It turns out it needed a new fan. Apparently leaving the door open doesn't just waste electricity. The humidity can ice up the fan and burn it out.

8. My Favorite Shoes. Actually I hate shoes. I don't like to shop for them or wear them. I would go barefoot all the time if I could. But if I have to wear something, I choose my new flip flops from Bass. They're comfy and cute.

9. Self-Portrait. I used the timer for this one. Dallin was cracking up watching me.

10. Dream Vacation. Warm exotic beaches where the natives speak English.

I'm tagging Megan (because I think she'll do it) and Ellen (because I'm dying to see pictures of India!)

1 comment:

Boo said...

Your self-portrait turned out very well. And I'm with you - hate shoes. I used to make the kids put on shoes to play in the yard until I realized that I never do, so we're all usually barefoot.