Wednesday, June 18, 2008


I come from a long line of readers. My family has been known to stay up all night (literally) to finish a good book. But I never seem to get into books the way everyone else does. When I was younger my mom always helped me find books she thought I would like, which I did, but it would sometimes take me weeks and weeks to finish them. It's not that I don't enjoy reading. Books are great. But while I am reading, I get antsy sitting too long and start thinking of all the things I need to be doing. The times in my life that I read the most is when I am nursing a baby or riding in the car, since I can't do anything else anyway. Dave and I got Zorro on CD from the library for a recent car trip. This morning, 4 weeks later, I finally finished listening to it. But it worked out really well for me because I just listened to it in my bathroom while getting ready each day or while folding laundry and hanging things in my closet. I'm all about multitasking.

My boys LOVE books. Today we went to the library to sign up for the summer reading program. When we came home they read all afternoon. Tonight Dave & I went to another PA dinner, and afterwards we went to Barnes and Noble, since we were right there. I bought the boys fun activity books for summer. They'll be so excited tomorrow.

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