Wednesday, June 11, 2008

BBQ and Plum Sauce

I should invite people over for dinner more often - perhaps once a week. It's the best motivator for me to clean my house, including those things I never seem to get to, like windows and cluttered counters. Last night we invited a super nice family over for a BBQ. They have 3 kids and just moved here from Arizona. The youngest is a boy Dallin's age, which I'm so glad about because there aren't any other boys his age at church. We made BBQ chicken, grilled potato skins, corn on the cob and tomato cucumber salad (recipes to follow). Spencer, always the gracious host, made plum sauce with their other 2 kids (ages 9 and 7), who were totally excited to cook. We have a plum tree out front with a ton of tiny sour plums. A few weeks ago he cut up some plums and added a ton of sugar. But I told him it would probably be better to cook it over the stove to release the juices, and he has wanted to do that ever since. So last night as the adults were sitting around visiting after dinner, we noticed that the kids were all standing around the stove mixing plum pieces and sugar in a sauce pan. It was actually quite good - it tasted a lot like jam. And no one got burned, so that's good.

1 comment:

Boo said...

Wow, I'm impressed you let the children near the stove; my children aren't allowed within touching distance. I'm also impressed that Spencer figured out how to make a plum sauce all by himself - that shows both understanding and creativity of ingredients, I think.