Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Tot Lot

Nothing makes you appreciate your own kids more than watching other people's kids. This morning I volunteered at the cub scout day camp in the tot lot. It's where all the volunteers' children are babysat in the church while their parents help out with camp. Most of the kids were pretty easy, but some of them were particularly challenging. They cried whenever they couldn't be first or didn't win a game or maybe if someone just looked at them wrong. Incidentally all the difficult ones were boys. It makes me appreciate that my boys are really pretty mellow and happy. So I came home exhausted and totally grateful for my kids. It's good to have these experiences from time to time.

Spencer comes home SO excited every day about all the amazing things he does at camp - BB guns, archery, bottle rockets, leather crafts, swimming, and science experiments. I've been trying to think of fun things for the little boys to do while he's gone so they don't feel like they're missing out on all the fun. We've made pinwheels, played at a friend's house, made paper airplanes, invited a friend over to play and made chocolate chip cookies. And the weather has cooled down drastically, so that helps us all be happy.

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