Saturday, June 14, 2008

Amazing what tools can do

Sometimes Dallin accidently takes naps, which is a pain because then he can't go to sleep when it's bedtime. The good thing is that he is super sweet at night, and we have some of our best one-on-one visits. Here is one of our recent late-night conversations:

Dallin - Mommy, your tummy is all squishy.
Me - Yeah. Did you know you used to be in there?
Dallin - Yep, when I was a baby, right?
Me - That's right. You were in there for 9 months.
Dallin - First daddy made me, and then he put me in there, right?
Me - Uh . . . yeah. How did daddy make you, Dallin?
Dallin - (pauses to think about it) You know, with his tools and stuff.

So if you're trying to decide what to buy your man for father's day tomorrow, you might want to get him tools. Apparently they can make all kinds of things.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Tools are the best--a never-ending gift option.