Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father's Day

Dave is such an awesome dad. He woke up at 6:00 this morning, reminding the tooth fairy to put money under Spencer's pillow. Shwew! That was a close one. We had a relaxing morning eating coffee cake, calling Dave's dad, and giving Dave cards and presents. I gave him the Clue DVD game, which he's wanted ever since we played it last Christmas.

I was in charge of sharing time in primary today, and it went great. First I read a couple of picture books, "My Dad" and "Knuffle Bunny," which were a big hit. Then I had the kids color candy bar wrappers and tape them around chocolate bars. Talk about simple and cute - my favorite combination.

Father's Day cards don't usually work out so well for my dad. They show dads sitting in their recliners watching T.V., drinking beer, playing golf or using tools. It's hard to find cards of dads reading scriptures, teaching in the prisons or writing notes on a tile. We're so glad he's well again so we could spend the evening with him tonight. We had Mexican Rice, his favorite. For dessert I made chocolate cake with cherries and Dave's favorite white icing. Then we called Ellen and Jason in India using Skype. We'll have to get one of those webcams. That was way cool. We could see them sitting on their Indian couch while we all huddled around my parents' computer in the sunroom. The video stopped working after a little while, probably due to the high volume of Father's Day callers, but at least we could still hear them. Then to top it all off the boys got to sit on my grandpa's lap and sing "Accentuate the Positive."


Ellen said...

I highly recommend the webcam. our Indian couch huh? I didn't realize it was particularly Indian.

Hilary said...

Actually I don't remember what your couch looks like. It's just cool that it's in India and we can see it!

Jen said...

amazingly enough, I found a card of a dad and his boy at a museum of modern art sculptures. I was tempted to buy 5 copies for the next few years.