Thursday, June 19, 2008

Garden Update

Look at these huge sunflowers Dallin planted in his Sunbeams class. As you can see, the leaves have been eaten by bugs. The bug guy sprayed all over the backyard when he was here, so I'm hoping that killed the pesky garden bugs too.
Note to self: Put tomatoes in their cages before they are huge and growing in all directions. This morning I tied the ones along the edge to the fence (which is there to keep Brennan out). But there were a couple tomato plants on the inside, so I had to force them into their cages. I was breaking branches right and left. Now they look all sad and wilted. And it was already getting dang hot outside, so that didn't help my sweaty frustration. I hope they can forgive me and bounce back from the ordeal.

The corn is doing pretty well so far. In the past my corn has gotten really big and then dried up halfway through the summer. I have since learned that corn needs to be planted in at least 2 rows for cross-pollination. I'm guessing that was my problem because I've always done 1 long row. This year I tried planting multiple rows, so we'll see how it goes. If nothing else they'll make great autumnal decorations for the front door.

Holy cow, my cantaloupe is taking over the garden. I grew cantaloupe plants a couple years ago, and it did okay. We got a few sweet cantaloupes out of it, but nothing like this. I think it's because they get more water in this section of the garden and they have plenty of room to spread out. I just hope they don't crowd out the corn and squash.


Jen said...

I suffering major garden envy!Seriously, it all looks amazing. I hope I actually get some tomatoes; so far I just have two little green ones, getting bigger I hope. Maybe I need to graduate from pots to ground in order to expand. Anyway, good job!

Hilary said...

I always feel like I'm figuring things out as I go along, but it works out. I end up with more veggies than we can eat.