Monday, June 16, 2008

Still way below the charts

Brennan had 2 doctors appointments this morning. First he saw the pediatrician for his 18 month check-up. He is 31.5" tall (25th percentile) and weighs 18.7 lbs (way below the charts but following his own curve). No wonder all his pants fall down. It's interesting to hear different doctors' opinions. I told him about the scary incident when he ate a friend's peanut butter egg last Easter and developed severe hives that we could only get to clear up with a high dose of oral steroid and that we wondered if we should use the epipen and go to the E.R. He said he's never had a patient need to use an epipen and that it sounded good to use the oral steroid if needed. He also said Brennan's lungs sounded good and that he just has some upper airway congestion (he has a cold right now). But when I saw the allergist one hour later, she thought his lungs sounded terrible and that he needs to be on his nebulizer treatments all the time, even when he's healthy. She also said we should have given Brennan the epipen and gone to the E.R. after the peanut butter egg and that we shouldn't mess around with the oral steroid because it takes too long. She ordered a blood test to measure the IgE levels for all his allergies. I've been wanting to do this so we can monitor his levels to see if they go down. She said we might be able to start introducing certain foods back into his diet, which is really exciting. I especially want him to grow out of his wheat allergy. That complicates my life the most.

After the appointments we went to the zoo, which is right next to his allergist's office. Today is the first official day of summer vacation, and the boys were excited to go. It's a tiny zoo, but it's just the right size for little people. By the time we get to the end, they're ready to leave anyway. Brennan roared at all the animals and Spencer acted like our tour guide. Then we ate a picnic lunch and played at the park.

1 comment:

Ellen said...

Introducing foods would be so exciting but I guess we shouldn't get ahead of ourselves. It might just start with something less helpful like the celery. At least he is growing, even if it's not as much as other kids.