Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day

Picture taken December, 2007

I love Mother's Day! I love to be pampered and showered with flowers, candy, cards, hugs and kisses all day. I got to sleep in and have a restful morning. Dave gave me a glass pedestal cake stand, which I have been wanting. He knows me so well. I love to hear talks at church about mothers. Today's talks were excellent - I cried. I love to hear the primary children sing - today they sang Love Is Spoken Here and Spencer carried the boys' verse (not a solo, but no one else was singing very loud). Primary was a tad on the crazy side as we combined junior and senior primaries for sharing time so the female teachers could attend relief society. We had the kids make cards for their moms. Picture four long tables and 43 children in a crowded, hot little room. In retrospect we should have done it in the cultural hall. I love to have a break from cooking. Tonight Dave is making grilled chicken with a southwest relish and fruit salad. He made a cheesecake with fresh strawberries for dessert. He is a really good cook - he follows recipes to the T. I love my boys, and I love being a mother.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Wow, what an ideal Mothers' Day--except for the crazy primary part, of course. I love the boys' sweaters, by the way, and the nutty faces they're pulling.