Monday, July 21, 2008

Twilight Addiction

Can you believe summer vacation is halfway over? We walked/rode bikes over to the school after dinner tonight, and it felt like forever since we'd been there. The kids had fun playing on the equipment and pointing out past and future classrooms. Spencer commented, "This place brings back so many memories." The weather has really cooled down the past couple of days (which is good since the A/C has completely stopped working and the A/C guy and I keep playing phone tag), and it felt lovely on the walk - breezy and cool. One thing that is very different here compared to back East is that the schools have open campuses, just like in all the movies set in southern CA. The classrooms are in different buildings (usually 4 per building), and the hallways are outside. I really like it, except for those few rainy days. And I love that we are so close to the school - just 10 houses away. It's one of the reasons we bought this house.
We stopped by Kristen's house on the way home (I wanted to borrow the next book in the Twilight series - it's addictive), but they weren't home, and when I called her cell she told me she had them in her car to give me. I guess I can wait another hour or so. I wrote a quick positive review on, and then I read a bunch of other reviews. To my surprise, people tore the book apart (which is odd since it's been hugely popular and everyone I know loves them). I guess from a literary standpoint it's no good?? Well I never did like the depressing literary books they made us read in English class. All I know is that the book pulled me in from the first chapter (which is a necessity for me or else I won't read it), and I couldn't put it down. I'm not a reader, remember? Well I read it in just 2 days, which is like some kind of record for me. So Stephanie Meyer may have her flaws with character development and plot, but I sure can't wait to read the next one. Make sure you vote in my poll on the right.


Ellen said...

There is definitely something to be said for a book that sucks you in and won't let you go until it's over. Now you know how we all feel. I admit I wasn't too interested in reading these books but with how much everyone I know loves them I guess I'll give it a shot when I get back to the states.

Hilary said...

you will love them ellen!

Jen said...

I read the first one, and I liked it alright, but I didn't feel the need to devour the others. I didn't have problems with anything literary (character development, etc), I guess it's just not really my genre.