Friday, July 18, 2008


Dallin is our little baker. Whenever I make muffins, cookies, cakes, etc., he climbs onto the counter to help. His favorite present for Christmas was his baking stuff - mini cake pans, mini muffin tins, chef hat and apron, and a bunch of muffin mixes (the kind where you just add water). We thought about getting him an Easybake Oven, but they were all pink and I didn't want another bulky toy. So I put them in the oven for him, but other than that, he does the whole thing all by himself. We got his birthday package from his WV grandparents yesterday, and they sent pirates and muffin mixes. They were a huge hit - in fact he wanted to make the muffins last night, but I told him he could do it this morning. He's saying "Mmmmm!" in this picture. Now he's running around the house pretending to be a superhero named "Yummy Man!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now that's my kind of super hero. Saving the world from boring food. I love boys, they make me laugh.