Friday, July 11, 2008

Sharing Our Testimonies

You never know when you'll have the opportunity to share your testimony. Last night Dave and I went to the monthly PA/NP dinner meeting. It was at a scrumptious restaurant right down the street from Dave's work. We sat at a table with two male nurse practitioners, and as usual, they were shocked to hear that we have 4 kids. No one around here has more than 2, plus people think we look young. Then when we told them we weren't done having children, they seriously thought we were crazy. So they asked about our religion. Certainly only religious fanatics would have so many children. One man was Jewish and his wife is Mormon, although she's inactive. So he knew a lot about our religion already, but the other man had lots of questions. He'd had several glasses of wine by this point, so it was hard to know how much he was understanding, but he was curious and respectful, not critical. He wanted to know the connection between American Indians and Mormons, since he'd heard there was one. We told him that the The Book of Mormon is another testament of Jesus Christ and a record of the people in ancient America, the ancestors of the Indians. We talked about Joseph Smith restoring the gospel to the earth and translating The Book of Mormon. He was very curious about our view of Jesus Christ and how we believe people get to heaven, so we briefly discussed the plan of salvation: where we came from, why we are here, why we need a savior, and how we can return to live with Heavenly Father. Finally, we discussed the importance of temple work. For a relatively short conversation, we really covered a lot. Too bad we didn't have a pass along card to give him or tell him about Oh well - we'll see him next month. I'm just so grateful to have a strong testimony, so that when people ask me what I believe, I know what to say.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

good job hilary! i love those kinds of conversatons.