Thursday, July 10, 2008

It's me against the ants

So I've spent the last day and half spraying ants with Windex in my pantry. When the bug guy came a couple weeks ago, he warned me that his spraying outside the house could force ants into the house because they have no where else to go. Turns out he was right about that. First they appeared in our master bathroom and random places throughout the house. I sprayed Raid and placed ant sticks around. Then they focused all their attention on the kitchen - on the counters, in the drawers, in the dishwasher, and around the sink. It really wasn't too bad. I'd kill them and they'd disappear for a little while. Then 2 days ago I had the thought - boy, I'm glad they haven't found the pantry yet. That's always more of a pain to eradicate. Yesterday morning we discovered about a million ants scurrying around the pantry, excited about the mother load they'd discovered. Do you know what a pain it is to take everything out of the cupboard? Well I do, and I wasn't in the mood to do all that work. So I just cleared out the main shelf where most of the ants were, threw yucky stuff away, and killed all the ants. We were out of Raid, but my dad told me recently that ammonia kills ants, so I got out the Windex and went to town. It was just as effective as the Raid but seems safer to spray all over our kitchen. I kept reminding myself of the dad from My Big Fat Greek Wedding. Every 30 minutes, all day long, I returned to the cupboard and sprayed stragglers. They seem to be coming from under the stove, and they just kept coming and coming. I called the bug guy, and he said that the heat is also bringing the ants in. He said he remembers that tons of ants came out from under our cement patio when he sprayed, so there's probably still some under there. He's coming tomorrow to spray in the house and search for where they're entering the house. I hope it works, because I'm not getting anything else done around here. And all our boxes of crackers and granola bars are getting soggy from the Windex.

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