Sunday, December 21, 2008

White Christmas

Last night was so much fun. We went to see my little brother Ben in the play White Christmas at the acting school he attends. First we went down to my parents' house with Kristen, Nathan, Christopher and Jonathan to have dinner with grandpa, uncle Michael, and Ellen and Jason, who just flew in from London on Friday. Then we all went to the play together. We almost took up a whole row.I think Ben's the tall one standing on the far left. The show was a lot like the movie, but the singing and dancing was way more fun to watch live. The sets and costumes were great, and I especially liked the White Christmas singalong at the end with snow falling on the audience as well as the stage. It felt very festive. Then afterward we hung around to talk to Ben and have him introduce us to some of the other actors. We're all watching a lot more live theater with Ben around.


Missa said...

We are so jealous of you! It sounds like a wonderful evening.

Boo said...

I'm jealous, too. Not only because it sounds like so much fun, but because I haven't seen Ben perform since his freshman year in college. If he ever makes it to Broadway, I'm flying out there.