Friday, August 15, 2008


My sister Kristen and I are so alike it's scary. She's six years older than I am, but we've always had a lot in common. We shared a room when we were growing up, and I totally idolized her. My mom tells us we were the most strong-willed of all 9 kids. What? Me? Strong-willed? I don't believe it either. When Kristen likes something, I know I'll like it too. It's a bit of a problem when we go shopping together because we want the same clothes. We're both springs, so we look good in the same colors, even. Our favorite color is red. We both have all boys (although she has 7 of them and has an ultrasound in 3 weeks to see if baby #8 is a girl or boy). She would visit us from Wyoming and discover that we had bought the exact same things for our homes - welcome mat, drinking glasses, etc., without even knowing it. Last year she bought a house up the street from us (yay!), but unfortunately we don't see each other nearly as often as we'd like to because we both suffer from the same problem of not wanting to make the effort to call and coordinate. Isn't that pathetic? Ever since they moved here, my kids are always telling me that we talk alike. Anyway, when her opinion of something differs from mine, I start to question my own opinion. Was I wrong? Do I actually feel the same way she does and not know it? I was disappointed by Breaking Dawn, which she read about on my blog and goodreads, so she didn't want to read it. But I told her she had to read it anyway because there were some really good parts. She ended up loving the whole book. Now I'm wondering if I was wrong and really do like it. I just might have to reread it to make sure, but I better wait until the kids are back in school. My house can't handle not having a mom for 2 days again.


Mandy said...

What a great post. It is fun to learn more about your sister. We visited Paso one weekend (when you were out of town) and your sister taught RS. I had not met her yet but I knew she was your sister simply by the way she spoke. You two are lucky to like each other so much and live close. I missed you a few weekends ago at Brian's reception - I didn'nt bother to call because I was sure I would see you there! Too bad. I need to come down on my own, without prior commitments and just hang out with you, Cyndee and Joddy - and get to know your sister better! If she is just like you I'm sure we'd get along! Miss you Hilary!

Anonymous said...

Wow! thanks, Hilary. i of course feel the same.