Thursday, August 28, 2008

Niece or Nephew?

A few months ago my nephew Peter (now age 5) asked his mom why Heavenly Father didn't give him any sisters. Kristen explained that He sent Eric instead, and Peter and Jacob. Seven boys altogether, in fact. No girls. Since then Peter started praying for a sister at every prayer. Two-year old Eric, who copies everything Peter does, started praying for a sister, too. Soon after that Kristen found out that she's pregnant, due the end of January. Her husband Nathan, the mathematician, can probably tell us the statistical probability of baby #8's gender, but apparently gender doesn't follow the laws of probability. Because although many people have a fairly even mix of boys and girls, some of us tend to keep producing just one gender. There must be more factors involved than a 50/50 chance. So, what do you think? Are they having a girl or a boy? Answer my poll to the right. Her ultrasound is scheduled for September 8th.


Missa said...

Aaron's vote is for twin girls. :)

Hilary said...

sorry aaron, but she's had a couple ultrasounds already - there's just one baby in there!

Boo said...

After that story, how can we possibly think she'll have a boy?