Friday, March 16, 2012

3 weeks

Chloe is 3 weeks old today. Can you believe it? I'm having fun with the online photo site Too bad the site is closing next month. If you have pictures you want to fix, you should check it out. Everything is free.

The past few days really have been a roller coaster. Overall she is doing better, meaning the RSV is pretty much gone. No more fevers, no more nasal congestion. But the big problem now is mucous plugging in her lungs. They are thick and hard for her to clear. We are still doing the nebulizer treatments and high flow oxygen to help her expand her lungs, and they have a little vibrating tool to help loosen up the gunk. Her right lower lung is still the most congested, but the general consensus is that she has better air movement overall. There are occasional episodes that scare me to death when the mucous plugs dislodge and cut off a larger airway. Then she goes into respiratory distress until she's able to clear it. The worst was Wednesday night. Her O2 sats dropped really low and her face turned blue. The nurses all rushed in and gave her lots of oxygen and almost had to bag her. The doctor wasn't surprised and said that could continue to happen until she gets rid of all the mucous. She is one tough cookie, and she's been coughing up some phlegm. What a slow, hard process.


Carol said...

Oh that poor sweet baby! I'm so sorry you're having to go through all of this! I hope it all clears out soon. Only once did I ever see one of my babies turn blue and it was the scariest thing in the world! It's crazy how fast it happens too.
I'm glad the RSV is gone! Here's hoping that icky mucous clears out soon & you're on your way home at long last.

Boo said...

How scary! I'm glad to hear that she's doing so much better. We are still praying for her. Sweet note: when Benjamin found out that other babies are in the hospital with RSV, he started praying for them, too.

Mrs Abbott said...

Keep it up, Chloe!