Last night was the Halloween party at church. We had an hour to get all ready after Tyler's soccer game, so luckily the 4 youngest boys had very simple costumes to put on.

All of our boys have worn this frog custume - at least once.
Brennan and his cousin Eric wore matching astronaut costumes. He got lots of compliments.
Dallin as Iron Man. He couldn't wear his mask at church, so some people didn't know who he was. I think he's flying in this picture.
Tyler as a young Obi-Wan Kenobi.
Spencer as a beat-up hockey player. Speaking of hockey, he had his best game ever this past week. He scored 5 goals! Parents and coaches from both teams were congratulating him. We went out for ice cream afterwards to celebrate, and then he got the stomach flu that night.

In case you missed it in the above picture: note the puck half, glued onto his helmet and missing front tooth. He's been planning this for months.

I actually dressed up this year. I never do, but my kids always want me to. I'm usually so busy getting them all ready that I don't get around to me. So I decided a month ago that I would plan ahead. We already had the white dress, and then I bought the wig from Target and some accessories from the sewing department at Wal-Mart. Pretty simple, and it was fun to see myself with black hair.
The party was a lot of fun - pulled pork sandwiches, an hour and a half of games around the whole church (there were 3 wards there, so it was huge), trunk-or-treating, and a big outdoor showing of Tom and Jerry. We were there for 3 hours, and then we stopped at our neighbor's party for more food and pictures. We won't be trick-or-treating tonight, since it's Sunday and Levi & Brennan now have Spencer's stomach flu, but I think we've had plenty of Halloween fun for this year.