Friday, November 21, 2008

Random Updates

having a picnic lunch at the park
Dallin has dicovered Mousse and wants to use it everyday

1. I didn't get my coconut fix in Hawaii, so I made coconut cookies this week. They were scrumptious. I might need to make them again.
2. I'm excited to see Twilight tonight!
3. Dallin is much calmer today after preschool (2 days off wears us out).
4. Can you believe Brennan turns 2 next week?! I think we're going to celebrate his birthday on Thanksgiving, since we'll all be together. He can't eat pie anyway, so I'll make him a special cake.
5. Spencer is struggling with his 7X's. I don't blame him; sometimes I forget 7x8 myself.
6. Dave's still doing training for his new job, but so far he likes it. I like having him leave later and come home earlier. We even got to have family home evening on Monday this week.
7. I've done some Christmas shopping and come up with more ideas. I feel so on top of things when I start before Thanksgiving. The best year was when I had Brennan and had it all done before he was born.
8. I am loving this fall weather. It's been in the 70's, breezy and pretty. Everywhere I go I feel overwhelmed by the beauty. We even went to 3 different parks this week.
9. Tyler is reading better and better every day. It's like it has just clicked for him, which is really exciting.
10. I ordered cute dark brown truffle boxes with the intention of making truffles this year. Wish me luck.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know, I have trouble with 7x8 too. No wait, I have trouble with 8x7. ha ha.