Sunday, March 10, 2013

12 Months and On the Go!

I think Chloe has changed more this month than any other. She loves her rocking horse, which we got from a lady at Dave's work. She has also started waving bye-bye with her whole arm and clapping hands. And remember how I said she was immobile? Well not any more!
One day she got up on her hands and knees and started crawling everywhere. She skipped the whole army crawl thing.  We've had to work a lot harder to keep the floors picked up, and that's no easy task with 5 boys.

Another day she just pulled herself up, and she has been walking along all the furniture ever since. This opens up a whole new world to her, and she loves it!

She can look out the window and pull books off the shelf.

Then of course there's the dishwasher - every baby's favorite appliance. She pulls all the silverware out and throws it on the floor. Then she continues to pick it up and drop it over and over, making a really fun noise.

She can play the piano and stand up in her high chair. 

She practically needs a bath after every meal. It's a good thing she likes baths.

Sometimes she walks behind her riding toy, but mostly she likes her brothers to push her up and down the hall really fast. I keep telling them to slow down, but she just laughs hysterically .

She loves climbing up the stairs, but she hasn't figured out how to go down yet. She has even stood on her own for a few seconds and taken a couple of tiny steps. I'm thinking walking isn't as far away as we thought.