Wednesday, May 2, 2012

2 1/2!!

At 2 1/2, Levi is a force to be reckoned with!  He is strong-willed, busy, defiant and independent. Of course having a new baby hasn't helped matters, but now that I'm in a comfortable routine with Chloe and getting more sleep, I'm able to focus more on Levi. I find that I enjoy him so much more when I can give him attentive one-on-one time. He can be really cute and funny if I'm in the mood to appreciate it. It's the every day activities that wear me out and require oodles of patience - things like getting into and out of the car, changing his diaper, bedtime routine and all interactions with his brothers. 

Basically, he insists on doing everything himself. so I'm trying to think of things he can do. After I drop Brennan off at school, I do a little "school" with Levi. 

He loved making this picture because he could put the glue on himself and choose which pasta to put on the glue. This kept him busy for quite awhile, and then he was so excited to show everyone when they got home from school/work.

He loves to "help" me with chores - especially laundry and dishes. 

Water is just so much fun - and clean. The other day he filled a container with dirt from the garden and dumped it on the dining room table. Grrr!!

He may be wasting water, but he does a great job pre-rinsing all the dishes. And it keeps him occupied for awhile, so that's very helpful.

He's a pill at times, but he's so stinkin' cute!

He has particularly strong opinions about food: where he eats and how he eats it. He moves the chairs wherever he wants to go, and then of course he has to do it all himself. I won't let him use the sharp knives, but everything else he can do: he gets out the bowl/spoon and pours the milk and cereal, gets his oatmeal ready, puts bagels in the toaster and cut-up fruit in a bowl. Breakfast is still his favorite meal, and he practically eats all morning. The other day he ran out of soy milk, so he went into the garage, found another carton, brought it up, and opened it with a knife. He's very resourceful.

Thankfully, he adores Chloe, referring to her as "MY baby!" to strangers admiring her at the store. He loves getting his picture taken with her.


Mrs Abbott said...

Love it! Love the post too! You can look back on it in 5, 10 years and laugh!

Jen said...

He is stinkin' cute, that's for sure. I love his intense concentration making his pasta picture. And is it just me, or does Chloe look a little nervous?