Monday, September 14, 2009

Drive-Thru Doc

I hate to go to the doctor and avoid it as much as possible. I mean I do take my kids to all their first 2 years of well child checks and keep them up-to-date on shots - I'm not one of those negligent anti-medicine moms. I just hate to spend time and money to sit and wait and hear something I probably learned in school. Plus I'm going to the ob/gyn doctor so much these days that I'm appointmented out. So it really works out that Dave is a PA and can pretty much treat the day-to-day stuff that comes up with the kids. Well last week the kids all had colds - no big deal, just runny noses and coughing at night. Then Thursday evening they were all happily riding bikes outside until it got dark. By the time they came in and got jammies on, everyone said they didn't feel good. Dallin was especially pale and hot to the touch, so we took temps and they all had high fevers. Dallin's was the highest at 104, and the others were between 102 and 103. So we drugged them all up with Motrin and cough medicine and they fell asleep super quick. The next morning the fevers were high again; Dave noticed Dallin's breath was suspicious of Strep, and all the throats looked red. So he had me take them to his office during his lunch break. I weighed all the boys at home, then I called Dave from the parking lot when we got there; he came out and did a Strep test on Dallin through the car window; it immediately came back positive, so he did a quick exam in the car - listened to lungs, etc., and called in antibiotics for all 4 boys. I'm telling you, that is the way to go. I much prefer the drive-thru method over making an appointment and sitting in a waiting room with 4 little sickies. They weren't even wearing shoes. Every job has his perks - my brother travels a lot for his job and has used frequent flyer miles to take his family to Europe and his wife to Hawaii several times. But at least I get to avoid the dreaded doctor's office occasionally.


Double D said...

That is definitely a great perk!!! Enjoy it! Sorry the kids were sick..

Missa said...

With all the times Katrina has been sick the last year, I would gladly have traded a Hawaii trip for a little drive through doctor. I guess we can't have it all.

Jen said...

Sorry for sickies, but that's great Dave can see them like that. Plus, it doesn't expose anyone else. Hope they're feeling better soon Hilary and you can avoid it too.