Thursday, September 18, 2008

Recent Quotes

Spencer - "I used to like homework, last year."
Me - "No you didn't. You've never liked homework. It was like pulling teeth to get you to color a dang picture in Kindergarten, remember?!"

Tyler - "You're going to love my picture!" Yesterday was picture day.

Dallin - "I'll make you a deal." He's really into making deals these days.

Brennan - "Ah-ah!" Every time he sees an animal, because apparently that's what they all say.

Dave - "How was the ending?" We watched the first half of the movie Penelope while exercising last night, but Dave didn't feel like finishing it afterwards. I thought it was really cute.


Boo said...

Oh no, Spencer sounds like me! Mom said I didn't do homework in kindergarten, either. I finally got the hang of it in college, though I don't know how I made it that far.


Hilary said...

yes, i remember picking you up from kindergarten once and the teacher was chastising you for not doing your homework! you were just so dang smart you were able to get away with it.