Monday, September 22, 2008

The Circus Comes to Town

The kids talked us into taking them to the circus on Saturday. They brought home BOGO coupons from school (buy one get one), which made it reasonably priced. We figured - how often do you get the chance to go to the circus? It turned out to be a LOT of fun. There were a few animals as we entered, and they even had camel and elephant rides. But at $6/each, we decided just to watch. Dallin was especially impressed by the elephant poo. He'll be talking about that for awhile, I'm sure.

I especially liked the acrobats. I love to watch talented people perform. It made me want to go to the Cirque Du Soleil in Vegas.

We got snow cones at intermission. The show was 2 hours long!

But my favorite part was the elephants. They were SO cute! I was amazed at how easily and quickly they moved, unlike the ones at the zoo that just stand there and eat.

And is it just my imagination, or are they smiling? They really seemed to be enjoying themselves out there, despite what the animal rights protesters at the entrance claim.

I just love them. They're so dang cute.

Despite the length, the kids were completely captivated by the entire show. It was definitely a hit.

1 comment:

Jen said...

That's awesome. I haven't been to a circus since I was in Germany.

And elephants are fabulous: my college roommate has a painting by an elephant--impressionistic flowers. Really. In Thailand they're the national animal, and some are trained to hold a brush and paint. The trainer gives them the brush with the right color.