Sunday, August 22, 2010

Meet Rex

I am not a pet person. I used to love animals when I was little - cats, hamsters, fish. I thought they were so cute, and I was always trying to talk my mom into letting me keep stray cats. And then I had kids and decided they were way cuter. Plus they more than fill my need to nurture, and I don't want more work. Now my kids are the ones begging for pets, but we're limited in our options because of Spencer's allergies - dogs, cats, and basically anything with fur. Once we watched our friends' hamster while they were on vacation, and Spencer had red itchy eyes for a week. It's actually provided me with a great excuse not to have to own anything more than fish. And whenever one of our fish die, I'm secretly happy inside that I get to put the fishtank and supplies back into storage. Well Spencer has been working really hard to get a reptile for the past year or so. He asked for a snake for his birthday, and we just laughed. So he decided to save up for one. When he was up to $80, he asked me to take him to the pet store. He's so dang persistent, and he wore me out. There weren't many snakes to choose from at Petco, but this cute little bearded dragon caught our eye. While all the reptiles were sleeping in the back corners, this little guy was all excited, watching us intently as we walked by and running back and forth. So Spencer bought him and named him Rex.

He eats veggies, crickets and millworms. That's way better than mice.

Spencer has had so much fun with him. Rex loves being held, and he'll just hang out on Spencer's shoulder.

So far he's been a great pet. No noise, no smell (that I've noticed), and very entertaining. When he's bigger we can even get a leash and take him on walks. Now if we can just keep him alive.


Missa said...

What a great pet! My kids loved Rex. They are currently on a crusade to get their own pet. Sophie continually decides on one pet or another and wants to go to Petco to see it.

Jen said...

I'd say a lizard is MUCH better than a snake.

Jen said...

Uchenna and his friend Uche were absolutely horrified when I mentioned that Spencer wanted a snake. Back home they have a saying that "man and snake do not live together." In fact, when anything bad comes into the house, they say that saying as justification to kill it. They have no sense of "live and let live" when it comes to snakes.

Hilary said...

funny! yeah, dave and i aren't fans of snakes, so we were happy he chose a lizard.