Wednesday, February 6, 2013

11 month cuteness

We are just a couple weeks away from Chloe's first birthday. When I told Spencer he was walking by this age, he was shocked. Chloe is not ready to walk yet. She gets up onto her hands and knees, but then she gets down on her belly to scoot, and she scoots backwards more than forward.  She will occasionally stand holding onto furniture a little bit, but mostly she's content to sit and play with toys and laugh at her brothers.
Would you look at all that hair? We are trying to figure out the whole bangs thing, because currently it is always in her eyes. After a week of cold weather (don't laugh Utah people), we had a beautiful day in the upper 60's. So we went to the park, and it felt wonderful. She spent almost the whole time in the swing. Too bad our baby swing at home broke after Levi.

I love putting her hair in pig tails. She reminds me of a little Hummel, and she actually leaves them in.
Chloe is starting to understand more of what we say and answer us with nods and shakes of her head. She says "mama," "dada," "baba" and lots of other happy noises. She also has quite a temper, and she throws her head back when she's upset.

She likes to dance to music and shake anything that makes noise. Pill bottles are her favorite when we're shopping, but she screams when I take them away to check out. In fact she gets quite upset when we take anything away from her that she wants, especially when it's something she could choke on.
She still loves peek-a-boo and will pull a blanket up and down over her own head to play. She also laughs hysterically when we play Row, Row, Row Your Boat. This really is such a fun age!

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