Thursday, November 17, 2011

What a character

The older he gets, the more of a character this kid has become. He is cute, stubborn, funny and oh, so very entertaining for the whole family. Funny story: this week we went to Cold Stone for the middle school fundraiser. There was a long line (which was actually fun because we knew so many people there), and Levi kept escaping. The embarrassing thing was that I wouldn't know he was gone until someone would yell, "There's a little boy leaving!" One lady said, "I put my hand up to stop him, but he just gave me a high-five and kept on going."

Breakfast is still his favorite meal of the day. He especially likes to eat steel cut oatmeal and grapefruit with Dave. In fact he'll have 3 breakfasts a day - one with each group in the morning.

Unfortunately we're trying to cut dairy out of his diet because his doctor said he may have a milk allergy or lactose intolerance. This is much harder than it was with Brennan, who was so easy-going and didn't know any different. Levi asks for "milt" all day, and soy just isn't cutting it for him.

Levi is my first thumb-sucker. Others tried, but I was always able to convince them to take a binky instead. He is also attached to his "D," which is what he calls this quilt my friend made for Dallin over 7 years ago. I have no idea why he calls it that. He sleeps with it, of course, and wants it whenever he's sad, hurt or tired. He also has to take it with him whenever we go anywhere (it's getting a bit rediculous), but I'm usually able to convince him to leave it in the car.

He loves his SHOES! And he loves to DANCE! So naturally I had to take pictures of him while he was getting down in just his diaper and shoes one day. Whenever we're in a store that plays music, he yells, "Dance!" and starts to boogie in the cart. Another funny/frustrating story: this week I went to Spencer's school to watch and videotape his group perform their singing science song. I took Levi (oops), and he started to cry loudly right before it started that he wanted to go home. I had to take him out of the classroom because it was very disruptive. I begged him to be quiet, but he refused and tried to run to the car. I tried bribing him with gum (he loves it, but I never give it to him because he just swallows it and wants more and more) and a donut afterwards if he'd be quiet. Finally he agreed and sat quietly eating gum during the whole song. As soon as it was over, he yelled, "All done?" The class all laughed. Then he danced happily all the way to the car, saying, "Spencer dance, quiet, gum, donut!!" I couldn't believe it - I was actually able to reason with and bribe a 2 year old. And yes, we went out for donuts.

1 comment:

Carol said...

Love that high-five! Zac is the same with his blanket & eats several shifts of breakfast too, haha!