I love watching my boys give talks in primary. They are confident and excited and share such a sweet testimony of the gospel. Dallin gave a talk on Sunday. To prepare I asked him how following the prophet keeps him safe, and he listed a few things. Then I typed it up, and he practiced it a couple times. Dave went up to the podium to help him in case he needed it, but then he was amazed when Dallin read it so well.
There is safety in following the prophet.
∙Prophets teach us to keep our bodies healthy.
∙They teach us not to hurt people.
∙They tell us to listen to our moms and dads.
∙They teach us to be baptized and listen to the Holy Ghost.
∙This will protect us from Satan.
I want to follow the prophet.
In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
Here's a talk Tyler gave last month:
Jesus died on the cross because the people didn’t believe he was really the Son of God. His friends laid his body in a tomb. After three days he got resurrected, which means his Spirit came back into his body. Because Jesus was resurrected, we will all be resurrected after we die. We will never get sick or hurt again.
When I was really little I fell and hit my head on a shelf at the store. I had to get 10 stitches. A year later I fell again and had to get 3 more stitches. Now I have 2 big scars on my forehead. When I am resurrected my scars will be gone and my body will be perfect. I’m glad that Jesus died for me and I know he loves me. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
And here's Spencer's talk, also from last month:
Through the atonement of Christ, all mankind may be saved. Jesus suffered for all our sins. He was the only one who could do it because he had a mortal mother and an immortal father.
When I was four I took a toy away from my little brother Tyler, which made him cry. When my mom asked me what happened, I told her he fell down because I didn’t want to get in trouble. Later that night, when I was lying in bed, I felt really bad that I had not told the truth. So I went to my parents and admitted I had made my little brother sad and lied about it. Instead of being mad at me, they were grateful I had told the truth. They said they forgave me and gave me a big hug. Then they asked me not to do it again. I felt much better after that.
When we sin, we can go to Heavenly Father and tell him we have made a mistake and feel really bad about it. Because Jesus suffered for our sins, Heavenly Father will forgive us. Then we try not to do it again. I am grateful for my Savior. I know this church is true, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.