Can you spot the adult leader in this group of fine young men? Dave fits right it! He took all these boys on their high adventure trip last summer.
They stopped at a Japanese internment camp on their way there.
They combined with the other Paso ward (which had more leaders than young men) for camping, bouldering, fishing and whitewater rafting. I wish I had more pictures, but our hard drive crashed last summer, and I lost a lot of pics. I posted a few to FB, so that's why I still have them.
They especially loved the bouldering!
Dave and his boys!
I don't have any pictures, but they also went to see a bunch of Native American pictographs. They said it was awesome! I got these next few pictures from the leaders of the other ward:
The other ward loves their dutch oven cooking! Dave did all the cooking for our ward. He did mostly simple stuff - spaghetti, soup, etc.
They camped at 2 different campgrounds.
My boys love to hear Larry tell stories. They all start with, "I like this..."
The other ward really likes fishing, so they all did a little bit of that. But mostly our boys like higher adventure type stuff, so they split up and did that with Dave.
The highlight of the trip was whitewater rafting. They loved it! Luckily it was a really wet winter last year, so there were some great rapids. The guides kept saying how important it was to stay in the raft, but then when it was time to earn their merit badge, they had to get out of the boat, free swim for a bit and then get back in. Not everyone chose to get the merit badge, but Spencer and Tyler did it, so Dave tried it too. He lost his GoPro, but at least they didn't lose any boys!