Monday, June 27, 2016

Art Festival, Boy Scout Fundraiser

The Saturday before Memorial Day is always our town's annual art festival. It's our favorite downtown event of the year. They had a stage set up for concerts and dances all day, and the high school jazz band was the first performance of the day. Spencer is playing the piano, but you can't see him because he's in the back.

We were glad we got there early for the concert, because it was already starting to get hot. Half the park is hands-on arts and crafts for kids.

We always like the Native American instruments.

Then Spencer and Dallin walked around all the art displays while the youngest three did more crafts. Tyler was at a track meet. He was bummed he missed it this year.

This was my favorite part. We got a huge bag of kettle corn, and I sat in the shade eating it while the kids played with these big foam building things. It was lovely.

 Then we all walked around the rest of the park. It was all decked out with colorful decorations.

We ended with the Sand Guys, which is always fun. Actually, I hated it last year because all the kids were "helping" them and ruining the castle. They had bouncers this year to keep the kids off. It was great!

I would have liked to stay longer, but it was hot and we had things we needed to do. 

Later that day was the Scout fundraiser for camp. They had a big BBQ dinner at church. I liked how they had more expensive as well as less expensive options. 

The cotton candy machine was a huge hint! 

This was Dallin's first year going to scout camp, so he helped with the fundraiser too. The money also went towards the high adventure trip for the older boys. They're doing 40+ mile backpacking trip in the High Sierras.

Alec set up his slackline, which the little kids enjoyed. 

Dave ran the cotton candy machine. It was so fast! 

 I couldn't decide which Chloe-eating-cotton-candy picture to use in this blog, so I used all three!

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