Monday, September 17, 2012

Big Bro

Levi is getting so big all of a sudden. This is his favorite shirt. It says "Big Bro" on it. He's all about being BIG.

A few weeks ago he had his very first dentist appointment. I was a tad nervous about how he'd do, because if he doesn't want to do something, he just won't do it. But the boys had talked it up a ton and even played "dentist" with him at home, so he felt thoroughly prepared.  

What a big boy! He did amazingly well.

Yay, prize box. No cavities, but he does need to stop sucking his thumb because it's starting to mess up his bite. I don't see that happening anytime soon.

He's got some pretty sweet dance moves.

We went to Morro Bay one last time before school. I was ready to put him in a full-time preschool because of the way he bugged everyone over the summer.

But now that the big kids are back in school, he is back to being my sweet, helpful Levi. Mostly. So I think I'll keep him around.

 And these are his sweet kung fu moves. 

The biggest thing Levi is doing right now is getting potty-trained. I was really not looking forward to it because 1. I hate potty-training! and 2. I thought he would be hard. Whenever we brought it up, he'd say he didn't want to. But I buckled down and did it last week, and he caught on super fast. He is still having occasional accidents and sometimes throws a fit when I tell him to sit on the potty, but he loves to wear underwear and show me his pee and eat Dum-Dums, so we're all very happy. Hallelujah!