Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Open house time

We had a busy night of open houses a couple weeks ago. The boys always LOVE showing us their classrooms, with all their artwork decorating the walls and projects on their desks. First we went to Dallin's class.

 They did a little reading of 3 Little Kittens. Of course Dallin was super animated.

 We love his teacher, Mrs. Baker! All our boys have had her.

Then we went to Tyler's class and looked at the mission projects. Here's his awesome teacher, Mrs. Elisarraraz. At first Tyler was disappointed he didn't get Mrs. Bedell, Spencer favorite teacher of all time. But Mrs. E. ended up being totally fun and funny - just Tyler's style.

Then we drove over to Brennan's school. Spencer said his classroom reminded him of Mrs. Honey's, from Matilda (Mrs. Root took that as a huge compliment). All the walls were covered with beautiful, colorful artwork. TK rocks!!

And Mrs. Root is just like Mrs. Honey, too. She is so sweet, creative and cute! Brennan has learned a ton this year, and he is totally ready for Kindergarten now!

Then we ran back over to Tyler/Dallin's school to watch them dance. Each grade performed to a different song - here's Tyler dancing to "Can't Touch This." They practiced all week, and they couldn't wait to show us.

They both did such a great job, and we were super impressed by the choreography. That's the dance instructor, behind them. It was a really good experience for them! Music has been cut from the elementary schools, so I was glad they got to do this.

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