...Two boys swaying in the little plum tree. "Ahhh! Get down from there!" The branches are not very strong, and they've already broken some. "Wait, let me get my camera first."
My boys are such tree-climbers, but we don't have any good climbing trees for them. Or that's what I thought. This stinker goes to the very top and sways the whole tree from side to side! It scares me to death.
Last night at dinner Dave told us about when he was little and climbed really tall pine trees in his yard. He'd get to the very top, and then he'd
let go! The branches would catch him all the way down. He said it was really fun, but he'd get a bit scratched up. "Don't try this at home!" I said. Now I know where they get their crazy, no-fear, tree-climbing genes from.
Perhaps it's the same gene that draws them to rock climbing, too.
Well, don't forget I had those little branches at the top of a pine tree brake on me and drop me straight to the ground. About bit my lip right off (ewwww!). Of course I was crossing from one tree to another at the time.
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