Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I love Photoshop

On Saturday I met Ellen and Jason at the park to take pictures of his whole family, who hadn't all been together since before his parents moved to Hawaii.

Although it was windy and cold and Anna had just woken up from a nap, she was still happy and smiley.

Plus I had a quacking toy duck to get her attention. What a cute family! The photo shoot itself took about 45 minutes, but then I spent the next several days playing with the pictures on Photoshop: Fixing the lighting and coloring, clone-stamping out snot and fuzzies...

But the coolest thing I did on Photoshop was open Ellen's eyes in this picture. I took several shots in this position, but the one I liked best of everyone else was the one where Ellen's eyes were closed. So I used this cool feature where you put 2 similar pictures side by side, zoom way in, and switch out the part you don't like. I just drew a line between her eyes and walla! Her eyes magically opened. So now you know what I've been doing since the kids went back to school and why I haven't blogged in a few days. I wonder if I could make money fixing people's pictures? It's just too fun.


Anonymous said...

Hilary, that is very cool. It's also something I have absolutely no idea how to do. I could use your help-I just printed out some family pictures and framed them, but Allison doesn't like the scab on her chin. Tim has a scab on his chin, too, but he doesn't care.

Anonymous said...

These look really good!