Monday, July 14, 2008


It's fun to watch how two little people with such different personalities can get along so well. Spencer and Tyler are best friends. Spencer takes his role as older brother very seriously and always watches out for Tyler. He reads to him, teaches him facts and prepares him for whatever he's getting into that Spencer has already done (kindergarten, primary, scouts, swimming lessons, etc.) Tyler totally looks up to Spencer and runs to tell him any news he has heard (even if Spencer was standing right there hearing the same news). They have bunk beds, but every night they crawl into the same bed and sleep snuggled together. Of course they still have their moments of wanting the same chair or the same pajamas, but those moments are few. What's hard is when a friend invites one of them to play, leaving the other one behind. This is especially difficult when Spencer is the one being left behind. He doesn't know what to do when Tyler is gone. I just hope they're still this close when they grow up.

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