After Spencer's hockey game a couple weeks ago, we picked up Costco pizza for dinner and hiked Poly Canyon.

We went there last year with Kristen and her boys, but Dave had never been there before.
Warning: all of these pictures were taken with my phone. And while the quality is WAY better than my old phone, it's still a phone. I took down my real camera, but there was no memory card in it. Oops.
Some people forgot to pack sweatshirts (it's always so much cooler down in SLO, so we don't think of it). Lucky for them, Spencer had some extra hockey jerseys in his bag.
The cool thing about this little hike is that it has lots of fun random structures made by old Cal Poly students.
Does Tyler blend in with these characters or what?!
How can they have a "No Climbing" sign? Doesn't it just scream, "Climb me!"?
We were there right before sunset, and the lighting was lovely.
Look what we found on one of the structures! It stands for "Choose The Right."
We didn't have time to see everything, but we saw plenty, and it was fun.
We took the narrow path back. No one fell into the creek, so that was good.
Leave it to Spencer to find the giant beetle.
A selfie - my boys will be proud.